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More than 3years HR-CB/Staffing experience, apply for Staffing/Recruiting position in Shanghai

2012-10-11 15:12

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:recruiting staffing HR求职

Strength                 2 years C&B working experience in MNC, be familiar with labor law\C&B related procedures and SAP/HER system; more than 1 year recruiting working experience, in command of interview skill and STAR assessment skill and good at employer branding. Perfect MS skill and fast learning ability, smart, teamwork, initiative, clearly.
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Working Experience      Excellent & Fast Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.  
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                        Recruiting Supervisor, report to HRM   07/2011 ― Present
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                       Main Responsibilities:
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1.      In charge of all the recruiting issue and ensure the co-ordination of all recruitment related activities for all employees.
2.      To Assist HRM Set up the professional recruitment system, draw up and implement the annual recruitment plan as well as the budget according to the business objective.
3.      Participate in Selecting, setting up, maintaining recruiting channel.
4.      Associate with department manager to make job description, select suitable CVs, interview and negotiate offer.
5.      Organize and supervise administrative tasks related to recruitment, ensuring that all relevant information for new employees is recorded.
6.      Be involved in Campus recruitment.
7.      Optimize and monitor hiring standards and practices.
8.      Be involved in special HR NEW projects, e.g. Job Description Review and O-Chart adjustment.
9.      Conduct reference and background checks.
Achievement: Offer 90 employees last 15 months, including 64 sales positions, 14 marketing positions and others related positions. Percentage complete is about 85%. There are 2-4 face to face interviews every working day, plenty of tele-interviews and cold call.
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                      ABBOT China    
                      C&B Specialist, report to Senior C&B Manager
06/2009 ― 06/2011
                      Main Responsibilities:
1.      Monthly salary calculation & payment, social insurance and benefits administration, C&B data maintenance.
2.      Review attendance check system; audit all procedures on monthly bonus and overtime.
3.      Support on compensation and benefit costs budget preparing and analyzing.
4.      Provide C&B relative reporting and analysis; Support on internal / external auditors as required.
5.      Provide support on merit increase, year-end bonus calculation and other bonus scheme preparation.
6.      Participate in salary survey and other C&B related program.
7.      Prepare HR documents for business visa application.
Cell Phone:13816308948



