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  • 等级 普通会员
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2012-11-30 10:34

来源: 原创

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Main Responsibilities - 主要职责: 9aC]C5b 
1.Carry out the w/h delivery receiving and dispatching on time, and follow up the w/h delivery accordingly 0c/NsWGQ{  
及时执行仓库货物的收发,并跟踪货物发送情况 L?h?#e 
2.Keeping the w/h inventory in a security and orderly manner (;%3.SU 
确保货物清单安全、有序 F 6;Du#F8 
3.Checking the medical products and retail products, etc in the w/h periodically as required. JKcJ5t? 
定期对医疗产品、零售产品等货物进行必要的核查 $Hz+v4nR^ 
4.Keeping the log book and record of the deliveries, of the inventories ;'pO#Cn.S2 
维护值班日志,记录发货、存货的详细情况 "UeK!QI)_ 
5.Co-ordinate with the internal and external customers with good service manner %W aXRsx 
优质的服务协调公司各部门和客户 GFn~!GY 
6.Maintaining the w/h environment in a clean and orderly system. f-l\}Z+B2~ 
维持仓库秩序,保证环境整洁 iH'wT^ OS% 
7.Dispatching the required goods to the destination in a safety and timely manner 3LNyd5W 
确保将所需货物安全、及时发送至目的地 n*'sU 
8.Act upon the urgent and unplanned customer requirement in a timely manner 5r +2f,j 4 
优先发送客户临时增加的紧急货物 08S` y^3KE 
9.Submit the work report to the supervisor as required. )vX?f2= 
向主管提交必要的工作报告 -iV$6DEM 
10.Fulfill other tasks(importing, bonded works etc)to support department business根据部门业务的需要,完成进口、 保税等其他工作,实现对部门业务的支持。 o>R\ 9\ 
Education & Experience Requirement with the Position: tTGyFOS 
A.Education background:教育背景 Uqh6`G-`O5 
A.1 College Graduated大专以上学历 (ADAIMu[ 
B.Experience: 经验 ]`=Pp'sQ( 
Above 1 year warehouse operator Experience is preferred j2 86'RT 




