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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

HR Executive-建国门-Swatch Group-- 8-10K

2014-05-29 14:38

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:HRBP 主管 HR主管级

 l  Ensure sufficient workforce and talent pool;
l  Implementing the company’s human resources strategy and program by planning
l  Coordinating and performing recruitment and selection strategy, fulfill the opening in a shorter lead time;
l  Be consultant to business tam in hiring & selection with solid knowledge;
l  Ensure timely and effective employment management;
l  Pursue and maintain healthy and effective employee relationships;
l  Ensure smooth and sufficient internal communication;
l  Employee relationship & employee issue
l  Help with C&B team to release related policy/enforcement and well communication with staff;
l  Collect effective information for further updating and improvement;
l  Together with retailing team to address shop labor issue.
l  Identify training needs and implement training plan in region;
l  Follow up Employee performance management
l  All other HR admin issue in region
cS $hZg 
Over 5 Years of working HR experience in retail / FMCG industry;
Strong experience on recruiting filed and channel development;
Good communication skills,both English and Chinese;
Time management and control, proactive is must;
Independent and outgoing personality, patient and result –driven 
Resilient creative and passionate;
简历投递:Yang.Qi@cn.swatchgroup.com( 请在标题栏写明应聘职位+来自HR圈内招聘网)



