
  • 性别 保密
  • 来自
  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 19
  • 发表评论 0
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  • 圈内币 38 点
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

[猎]招聘经理- Halliburton - 北京 - 30K

2014-09-22 13:02

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:招聘经理 HRM级

Job  Specification
1. Under broad direction, directs the consistent worldwide administration of
staffing policies and practices implemented throughout Halliburton. 
2. Provides guidance and assistance regarding staffing HR issues. Advises
management regarding staffing HR policy issues. Involved in system
administration to provide interface and recommendations to programs. 
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3. Must possess a broad and in-depth knowledge of HR policies, procedures and processes, plus a thorough understanding of current HR concepts, principles and legal requirements.
1. University Graduate with major in English, HR or related. 
2. Excellent English skills in speaking, reading and writing. TEM-8 is preferred. 
3. Above 10 years HR working experience in multinational company . 
4. At least 5 years working experiences in Recruiting . 
5. Good at SAP is preferred. 
6. Proactive and ensusiastic with team work spirit. 
7. Good for interpersonal skill and communications. 
If you or your friends would like to apply for this role, please update your CHN and ENG CV (Photo attached) 
via :peterzhang@hrnetone.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)quoting job reference.



