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法务专员-外企知名制药业-张江-8~10k gross

2015-11-18 16:33

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:外企 法务 张江 上海职位

知名外企制药业 %Tn=KGi6^ 
岗位:法务专员 Z1!351, 
上班地点:张江德国中心1号楼5楼,提供从张江地铁站至德国中心班车 C2\y nI$]5 
薪资:8000~10000 gross ~Tmy{jiy 
注:该岗位先跟中智公司签订1年合同,顶替内部员工产假,若工作表现好有续签及转正的可能 E.Kd#s`|  
H 7~ T-s 
Job duties: fem:*?z 5Q 
1、Search for patent data and compile reports for Pfizer products and candidates using internal and external IP database, and communicate with global patent attorney and local business clients regarding such data. G5X\ksxXYD 
2、Assist in managing patent litigations in China. sPW!iRb&7 
3、Read collaboration contracts and analyze relevant IP provisions. L;nCsy 6= 
4、Coordinate our participation in outside events such as conferences, seminars, industry association and local counsel forums. \F_ ;+N  
5、Maintain records and documents of past projects and ongoing projects and any due dates. qaIJ^Nz 
6、Manage’s patent docket and draft initial response template. m(I|^ccK{ 
人员要求: i[Xt-s 
1、Candidate should be proficient in English, written and spoken. &LON)J-4 
2、Master various Microsoft applications. Jg%p<kA 
3、Understand basic chemistry and biology and good analytical abilities. SGI4},cA6 
4、Some basic knowledge for patents. G7UB &@ 
5、Bachelor's Degree, major in science. eEY2`0z 
6、Minimum 6 month experience in patent matters. `@I!)=9b1 
7、Excellent oral and written English language skills. c5 MA9Xg 
8、Decent search and analytic skills. c\HG'c s 
9、Proficiency in computer skills. e JoG 
10、Motivation to continuously improve his/her general knowledge of the legal and technical issues in the biopharmaceutical IP and regulatory field. Gp!V 




