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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

HRIS & Reporting Specialist-佛吉亚-上海

2018-08-06 20:04

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:HRIS C&B 上海职位

Role 1:
A HRIS specialist works as a key internal (Site payroll team) and exteranl (payroll outsoucing company) coordinator regarding payroll activity in his terotory by using a Globalview (SAP) tools;
- On-line support for responsible site HRs;
- Analyze & reformulate site request;
- Govenment & company new rules related, new plants, and make proper proposal for system upgrading or correction;
- New function of test & implementation.
- Monitor, support and maintain site operation issue;
- Be resposible for site payroll auditing and correction action.
Role 2:
A HR reporting specialist covering country level HR reporting job, inculding:
- Monthly and Yearly reporting consolidation;
- Data analysis;
- Yearly budget and Strategic Plan consolidation, review and analysis;
- Site reporting audit, etc.
The ideal candidate will have/be:
- Bachelor's degree in Human Resource Management, IT or finance backgroud;
- 1~3 years of solid payroll execution experience in MNC; payroll shared service experience is preferable;
- Be able to use HRIS tools to process payroll, SAP tools or Successful Factors is preferable;
- Customer oriented mind set;
- High job commitment and results oriented;
- Good communications skills;
- Minimun bi-lingual (English required), excell good, as well as other office softwares.
R . Zfi3xW 



