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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2012-07-12 10:46

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:HRM 北京HR职位

希望候选人至少6年以上HR工作背景,年龄在30-35岁最佳,英文办公环境,英文流利,形象气质好。full function管理职能,看重在招聘和ER方面的能力。带3-4个人的团队。

 Design and implement the organization's compensation and benefit programs and activities so that they meet the organization's objectives with regards to internal equity and external market competitiveness. xCw48 
 These programs may include: job evaluation and classification; salary administration; short-term, long-term and sales incentive plans; employee benefits (such as health, insurance, motor vehicles, perquisites); expatriate compensation; executive compensation; workers compensation; salary packaging; retirement, pension and superannuation plans. w3LUsy/K7` 
Recruiting a~>"8Yy 
 Direct the company's recruitment activities in order to ensure that the best candidates are selected for each role and that the recruitment process is conducted efficiently, cost-effectively and in accordance with the company's policies and standards. These activities may include advertising; interviewing, testing, ranking and selecting candidates; checking references; negotiating employment offers; relocation; orientation/induction and introductory training. W$fjiG 
 Coordinate with functional or operational area managers at HQ and Regions to develop and implement HQ and local recruitment strategies/plan (such as yearly manpower needs by phasing, advertisements, starting salaries and other conditions of employment) that are appropriate for their business needs, but consistent with the company's overall human resource strategy. P m-b_iw8y 
 Evaluate external labor market conditions and internal employee turnover trends in order to recommend changes to the company's recruitment strategies. _xfSoCp/ 
 Select, and manage ongoing relationships with external recruitment agencies to ensure the company receives satisfactory standards of service. >aS`VR1> 
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Training Xe#?zeS 
 Analyze and identify the training and development needs of the company and employees. Develop an overall training plan to meet the current and planned human resource requirements of the company within established budgets.i6@@yx]k 
 Develop and implement the training strategies and activities of headquarter, Direct the training and development planning of local regions in order to ensure that training activities are conducted efficiently, cost-effectively, and in accordance with the company's policies and standards. ; S<2Icw 
 Develop, deliver, and evaluate training programs and curriculum so that the know-how, skills, and performance of employees meet the company’s current and future requirements. b63 
 Liaise with functional or operational area managers to develop and implement training, development, and succession plans that are appropriate for their business needs, but consistent with the company's overall training strategy. mBT)F3"=. 
 Select, and manage ongoing relationships with, external consultants and training providers to ensure that the organization receives satisfactory standards of service.IwG> ,d0 
 Keep up-to-date on developments and innovations in training and education in industry and government education sectors so that the company’s training activities remain current and relevant. <Xcp35w. 
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