
  • 性别 保密
  • 来自
  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 22
  • 发表评论 6
  • 顶过主题 6
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  • 圈内币 51 点
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2012-11-01 12:03

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:HRBP 上海职位

猎头职位, 简历请发至crystal_xie@talgen.cn

http://weibo.com/crystal0903yy u~w=!"h 

工作地点: 上海T]ge[O~2; 

公司背景: 外资制药企业

核心要求: wJK6*Amv $ 

汇报给supporting HRBP head H;j"#8 

支持supporting function的部门(IT,财务,法务,人事等)

1. 英语流利

2. 10年以上经验

3. 行业不限,制药行业优先

4. 待遇丰厚, 30-45万Ie"Ic4yO 

Job Purpose(State in one sentence the overall objective of the job) |/ &n t 

Assist Associate HR Director to provide HR services to all HQ functional departments, including staffing (work with Staffing Center), talent management, compensation & benefits, performance management, employee relations, and etc. Work flexibly to participate in wide-ranging corporate and HQ HR projects & initiatives as required. Compliance with applicable policies, procedures and other regulations. $3M/Okx4 

Major Accountabilities(Describe the main results of the job to be achieved ) xihB\/(+ 

1. Work with Staffing Centre on the monthly hiring tracking, and cooperate to organize assessment as required.

2. Responsible for on board call and exit-interview to the non – managerial level associates, and submit the exit-interview report to Associate HR Director and HRIS; $Ln "L8 

3. Assist Associate HR Director to facilitate OTR Talking Talents and submit the summary rS ;*hp./ 

4. Track on the development plan of high potential of non – managerial level associates L |EV_  

5. Provide support to Associate HR Director projects as required and act as champion to some of the projects. -5 Hk@ 

6. Assist Associate HR Director to deal with employee relations Z=EP>*0 

7. Work on HQ human resource data analysis and reports 8. Other duties as required.

Education: M$ qOI 

Bachelor degree, Major in Human Resource or equivalent preferred

Languages: Fluent in Chinese and English Experience:

8+ years HR relative experience in MNC



